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Roland MT-90U MIDI Player / Music Tutor

$ 199.99

SKU: MT-90U-USED Categories: ,



The MT-90U is the perfect companion for music students and performers. Load songs (.mid, .mp3, or .wav file format) from the USB port on your computer and play them back on the MT-90U through the built-in speaker. The onboard sound engine plays multi-track MIDI files with ease; you can even change pitch and tempo. Practice and perform with full backing-band accompaniment!  (Note:  Beginning in 2014 all Roland Digital Pianos have some to all of the Music Tutor features built in to them, so 2013 was the last year that Roland manufactured the MT-90U.  It is still a great product for older Roland pianos, acoustic pianos, and any digital piano that doesn’t have a USB MIDI player built in to it).

May 2024:  This listing is for our used MT-90U’s only.  We typically have a dozen used ones available for purchase at any time.  These all show signs of minor visible wear and tear, and while there is no warranty we do guarantee it to be 100% operational and functional upon arrival.  Please note:  we include the MT-90U itself and the correct matching power supply (they do NOT come with remote controls nor owner manuals; the manuals are available as a free PDF directly from Roland)

Learn more about the features and benefits of the Music Tutor:  CLICK HERE